USA and Canadian customers can use our toll free number to phone your
order in
using your credit card. Our toll-free number is 1-800-494-
6129. Our toll-free number is
for credit card orders only and our minimum credit card order is $20.00 (including
charges). Overseas customers please call (905) 813-9544.
Our Regular Telephone Number
If you wish us to check stock (up to 10 items maximum) or if
you wish any kind of
information or you need help to placing
an order of less than US$20.00 / CDN$20.00
we will be happy
to assist you on our regular telephone number. Please
(905) 813-9544.
E-Mail Orders
Send credit card number, expiry date, complete name, address
and records / CDs / book(s) desired and E-Mail to:
Note that security code (on the back of the card) is not required here
E-Mail Security
Our site is a secure site (SSL-HTTPS) so you can send the
information above
securely - no one will ever see it.
However if you are paranoid for increased security
send your card number in one E-Mail, the expiry date in a second E-Mail
or telephone
our toll-free number at 1-800-494- 6129 to provide your
card information.
Send credit card number and expiry date, complete name, address and
45s /
CDs / book(s) desired and mail to: Continental Records
Company Ltd,
PO Box 7, Streetsville ON L5M 2B7
Ordering Methods Without a Credit Card
(See above for ordering with a credit card)
Send cash, cheque or money order, complete name, address and 45s / CDs / book(s) desired and mail to: Continental Records Company Ltd, PO Box 7, Streetsville ON L5M 2B7
45 RPM Pricing
The price of every 45 we sell is on our web site. It is on the top and/or bottom of the 45 RPM page that lists the 45 as available/for sale.
CD Pricing
All pricing for every CD we sell is on the top of the page that details the songs/tracks on the CD.
Warranty / Guarantee
Every individual 45 RPM record and CD we sell is brand new and guaranteed. If you are not happy with the condition of any
45 or CD please return it and we will replace it. Shipping charges on returns are the responsibility of the customer. No warranty
on 45 RPM records sold as "bulk.
Statements / Stock / Inventory Checks
Generally, providing a stock check statement (pro-forma invoice) on our
inventory is a
service we provide the following customers only:
1) That could possibly be below our minimum credit card order amount if a few of
our records are out of stock
2) Are sending a very small order paid by cheque or money order via mail and want to
know the exact amount to send.
3) Are non USA-Canada customers paying via money order who must pay exhorbitant
extra costs to cash our refund cheques.
If you don't fall in the above category we recommend you just place your order without
a stock check. We will ship your order in the next few days. Most orders are filled at
more than 90% Many are filled at 100%
How to get a stock check by telephone
Phone (905) 813-9544 during our standard business hours (8:30 AM to 4:30 PM)
Eastern Time Monday through Saturday). We will check ALL the records by any
one artist or up to ten records by a variety of artists while you are on the telephone.
How to get a stock check via E-Mail
If you are looking for a specific artist list all the songs (or records) you want to purchase
from us (a "want list"). If you want a variety of artists, list the (up to 10) records you
want to purchase from us (a "want list") - this list should be in alphabetical order by
artist. Either way we will respond to your specific request by E-Mail.
Request For Statements Exceeding 10 Records or One Artist
If you must have a statement before you place a larger order please contact us by
telephone or E-Mail. A larger statement can be provided if you provide a "deposit"
Most recent web page review : 2021 07 26
Page revised and counter added 2021 07 26